On Purim (03/21/2019)it is a Mitzvah to send Mishloach Manot - food baskets - to friends to express our unity and friendship. This year the Chai Center will once again be offering a basket project service to help you observe this Mitzvah and help the synagogue at the same time..
Send (and receive )beautiful Purim Baskets which include Hamantashen and delicious treats to your local friends, your "shul family" (with an option to add school teachers, and synagogue staff )...
Your friends will enjoy seeing your name along with others who are remembering them on the cards in their baskets. It's not often we can give by giving so little. It's a mitzvah - giving shalach manot on Purim..
Choose one of the following options...
Option 1)
for $65 Have your family’s name on a card that will be placed in each a basket being distributed to Chai Center community members and receive your own basket (60 Families)
Option 2
)for $100 Place your family’s name on every basket being delivered on purim , this option includes all the members in our community,the Staff of the synagogue (13 teachers) and Rabbi and Rebbitzen..
Option 3
)Buy a purim basket for yourself or for someone not from our community ,the baskets are $25 each
Order Deadline March 14th 2019
The baskets will be delivered to each family before or on purim or they can be picked up at the Chai Center ..